Come early March, put away your heavy wools, flannels, puffy jackets, turtleneck sweaters,
and anything fur!
* Sort through your winter wardrobe and pull together your lightweight clothing items.
Examples: skirts, tops and pants
* Combine a winter basic with a summer basic and layer items.
Example: use a lightweight black tweed wool skirt with a long sleeve t-shirt and a
3/4 length spring patterned sweater.
* Heavy coats can be substituted with lightweight denim, tan leathers, suede's, and a variety
of trench coats in colors and styles.
* Lastly, adding a dash of color and layering is the key to transitional dressing. Use colors
like muted reds, mid range blues, greens and purples. Avoid pastels!
True warm weather is right around the corner!
From my closet to yours,