My own little high...
Maybe instead of being a wardrobe consultant/fashion
guru/stylist, I was meant to be an ambassador of good will for clothing style.
Wait a minute, that’s what I do! I love watching people emerge from a fitting
room and either have that aha moment of looking great in what they are wearing
or the look of eeek! not so good.
Last night was no different. About two months ago I began
working out with Kris Jackson, who conducts group boot camp training out of her
basement and the back yard. She is as diligent about her work outs as she is
about her diet. I love Kris for both those reasons. For me, it has proven to be
just the kick in the butt I needed to get rid of the some of the belly fat I
have been storing for about two years. I wanna say it was menopause, but
honestly it was living the good life of baked brie and wine on summer weekends.
Oh yes, back to last night. One of Kris's clients is Sarah
Lyntvineko, co-owner with her husband Victor of Raleigh Denim and the Curatory
downtown. Kris thought it would be great to offer her clients an opportunity to
check out Sarah's store and for me to help by offer styling tips to clients in
at an early evening party. So, if you know a store you want to have schedule a
private party at, give me a call and/or speak with the owner or manager. It
happens a lot more than people think. Back to last night - it was just that, a
party. Very low-key, no-pressure jean fittings and fashion advice.

One of the many styling questions that I got last night
was what type of boot to wear with what jeans. Do I do black belts and boots,
or brown belts and boots? Either works, and it’s a matter of preference. Brown
is a little softer and tends to blend versus black is more sharp in contrast.
I also talked about gold and silver jewelry and
accessories. One of the things I like most that Christine Jones has done more
and more of this season, is combining chains that are in several finishes. She
often combines one or more of gold, silver, pewter and copper. Most people can
wear both gold and silver, but often choose just one to incorporate into their
wardrobe. Stepping out of that comfort zone is often hard, but that is
frequently what I try to get clients to do. There’s nothing more freeing than
trying something new and discovering that, if you like it, your wardrobe has
just expanded itself without a single additional purchase!
Last night I spoke to several women about buying one key
item a season that may be slightly different from what they gravitate towards.
Items from the Curatory gave women a chance to do just that, with many
different looks, including a beautiful black wool coat with a front buttons and
back full zipper. Truly stunning! There were also several tops that were short
in the top and longer in the back. Now....let me just say, that look is not for
everyone. And it may not be appropriate in a corporate setting, but certainly
great for a night out.
What I enjoyed most last night was the relaxed buzz of the
room. It was a smaller space, filled with women bonding over jeans! Imagine
that. Then again, John the expert employee who runs the shop, was quite mellow
himself. I had to giggle when one gal came out in a plunging deep v-neck top
fully exposing her cleavage and the top of her bra. I had to comment that I
expected John has never seen a breast, to which he replied "never"
and slyly grinned. One of those moments that’s like asking him if he’s ever
encountered a woman that hates to shop for jeans.
As the evening wound down and I packed up, the proverbial
icing on the cake was when someone asked about my skin in a complimentary ‘what
products do you use’ kind of way. I mentioned the new product line I was using,
Rodan and Fields. Of course, she asked my age and I actually told her my age.
In my mind I will be 29 or maybe 39 forever. Ahhhhh.........what a fun night!