recently had an opportunity to interview Kathy Bartholomew, a fit specialist for
a company called Essential Bodywear. She has been fitting women of all sizes
since 2011 and boasts that the company has sizes from 32A to 50H. I expect
your eyes have just widened at this point. Never heard of a 50H? I've always known bras come in a variety of sizes. The H was a surprise, though.
As a stylist I make sure that my clients are wearing bras
that fit properly because it makes all the difference in the world of how
clothes fit and hang on the body. I do recommend that clients get fit every six
months because as we know through weight loss or gain, pregnancy or the ever
lovely menopause, our breasts change. Eventually they go south, and Kathy has
an answer for that as well. Essential Bodywear has bras that are made for seniors
whose breast tissue have dropped.
Kathy has several clients who swear by her bra fitting and recommend the entire experience. She offers her bra fitting services in the
privacy of your home or hers, and then there are the bra fitting parties with girlfriends. If you
decide to host a party, you get free bras if she sells $800 or more. The
company also offers holiday style bras, sports bras and underwear. Kathy
started with the company after she finally found a sports bra
that she could wear while horse back riding. She told me she got tired of
is full of tips and quirky statements and it's really hard not to appreciate her sense
of humor. We are talking about breasts, right?
* To
put on your bra properly, put your arms through the arm holes by learning
forward and reach behind your back to clasp the hooks. I said what? What if you
can't reach behind your back. Nancy recommends either grasping the top or bottom
hook and take your time and it will help. No one has ever told me that you will
stretch out the band if you buckle it in front and twist it around!
Once you have gotten the bra on, bend over and pull your breast tissue up and
from the side and fit it into the cup of the bra. Believe me, it works!
Use a mild detergent like Ivory liquid, and never Woolite, to hand wash your bra in
cold water. If you opt to wash it in the washing machine, use a lingerie bag
and the hand wash cycle.
Never hang a bra by the straps or band. Lay flat and mold cups with a
towel. This sounds like a lot to dry a bra, but it makes the bra last so much longer.
When storing your bras, don't fold the cups into one another, and use socks to
keep cups molded when packing for travel.
As I
mentioned Kathy has a few quirky sayings that I would be remiss if I didn't pass
along. Kathy believes she can take anyone from saggin' to braggin'! But I like
this one....posture counts and boobs shouldn't bounce!
offers gift certificates for the holidays and swears that spouses love picking
out bras for their wives. I'm thinking Sid wouldn't know where to begin. I vote
for a sports bras.
Next time you have the urge to go bra shopping, be sure to check
out what Kathy has to offer and take her up on a good bra fitting. I know I'm
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