What’cha wearing today for Valentine's Day?
One of the designers I really like for just that look is Rachel Pally. Her designs blend easy and elegant with a touch of chic and classic. That's a lot to envision, but I do get it. Her designs are shown in over 500 stores and boutiques and are worn by stars like Jennifer Judson, Heidi Klum, Jessica Parker, and Oprah. Size is clearly not a factor and she is able to translate her designs from size 2 to 22. Amen to that, a designer who is able to view women of all sizes, ages and races.

I met Rachel a few years back at Gena Chandler, a local boutique at North Hills. Very unpretentious, was that Jersey girl who did well and moved to LA, where she has her office and warehouse. Somehow, I missed her warehouse sale last week! Can you imagine flying in just for that sale? Big news for Rachel's fans is that on February 24th she is launching her line on QVC.
I expect for most designers that is a huge deal. I have to believe, or I want to believe, it will not be the same looks she sells in stores. Definitely worth checking out. She is also offering a deal for shoppers who sign up online for her email updates a 20% discount on your first order. Not bad.

I chose three garments to highlight, as part of my wish list that I wish I had ordered to wear today for Valentine’s Day (and may just be sold out by now). I just love something about each one. The burnt top obviously brings sexy into the look of shoulders, and would probably keep me warm if the wine didn't kick in. The one strap red dress is so Grecian looking, that feeling like a goddess would be my take on role playing. Hmm, wonder if that would be exciting for my husband? Lastly, the black swing dress would is key if I indulge in dessert. I will need that extra room to hide a bulging mid-section. Any of the three would have worked, too bad for me I wasn’t thinking about Valentine’s Day shopping last week.
So for all those who waited too late to buy that sexy outfit for tonight's special evening...we will have to get over it. Enjoy the evening and the special person in your life and go for the dessert!
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