The event started about a half an hour late....hmmm, would that happen if it was televised? Probably not, but these things happen. I must have paced up and down the walkway of the entrance of the Progress Energy building about 40 times mouthing what would be my intro: “Good evening Raleigh, welcome to the 2nd Annual Red Carpet Fashion Lounge for the Carolina Music Awards. I'm your host Savvy Stylist Suzanne Libfraind and you are in for a treat tonight!” Blah, blah blah. I did it and made it through the intro only to slide into that usual comfort zone of me being me and chatting.
For the next two and a half hours I interviewed nominees for the Carolina Music Awards (rappers, rock and roll bands, country western folks, and R&B), as well as the event sponsors and organizers, designers, up-coming student designers, and three local boutiques. All my hours of prep work and the rewriting of my 3 by 5 cards went out the window! Jeannie, my marketing manager, warned me that I would have to improvise and just roll with any changes. So roll with it , I did. I found my rhythm and then began doing what I do best - talk fashion and find out what people are up to.
There was so much energy and buzz. Jeannie was like a drill sergeant, sending people in and out of the Red Carpet Fashion Lounge. Did I mention there was no red carpet in my fashion lounge, but white shag instead? The outfits were wild, some very dramatic, tight fitting, and extremely colorful which often left me giggling and smiling from ear to ear. I loved it all! From the young designers showing their creations to guy in the audience who wore a vibrant rainbow color vertical striped suit (from Loudmouth Golf), I was excited by the energy of the whole event.
As my hosting duties wound down around 8:15, I continued to live in the moment. I had my husband, Sid, and my parents along with a handful of good friends there in support. They, too, seemed to enjoy the buzz and wildness of the participants and audience in their various get ups. After catching my breath, I moved onto the photo area for a few snaps on the Carolina Music Awards red carpet with various groups of people, including the organizers for Triangle and Charlotte Fashion Weeks. I walked with my family inside to watch the music awards, hosted by Maddona Nash. Cute country singer with lots of personality! We didn't stay for the entire awards show, as I found I couldn't wait to get home and just process the whole evening. Some experiences you just want to savor and this one was just that!
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