It could be a store with blender and clock, and if the window is appealing, I'ma entering.

Case and point, as my son would say. The store window on one of the main streets across from the Marriott Hotel was an easy sell for me. Best of all, my daughter was intrigued as well. The window read Paola Cavalli, and the shoes were as bright and textured as a Lego store in the mall.
My heart began to race as we entered and were greeted by the two managing partners who show Paola's designs in the only U.S. store.

Back to Paola Cavalli. I know you are thinking she is related to the Italian fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, but she is not. She is from Columbia, like the ever-so-beautiful Sofia Vergara from "Modern Family". Let me digress for one second. Is Sofia just not stunning and have you noticed her Cover Girl campaign? I am officially jealous without being jealous. She is so pretty to look at, I swoon. Hmm, should an adult, happily married woman swoon?
Again, back to Paola and her bright designs, reminiscent of Carmen Miranda, the actress who wore fruit on her head. Hard to forget that, quite frankly. Paola started her business in 2003 and sold her designs to women she met on walks with her toddler son. Soon after, the Spanish designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada came to town, and Paola presented Agatha with a pair of shoes.

Paola hopes that her work is more accessible than most designers, and priced so people can afford several pairs. I have to admit I was quite stunned at the price tag between $85-150. Paola also designs for little girls and those shoes are also carried at the San Juan store. Boy, I hope she has a little girl one day....
Paola does special orders for women who prefer a shoe in a different color. That is a wonderful offering to entice customers! People love knowing that they are getting a one of a kind item. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to stumble upon a cool store and anything different than what the mainstream offers. Check out the vibrant colors and let me know what you think.

Do you think her goods would sell best in Miami or what?
From my shoe closet to yours-
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